I have a long history with Star Trek, dating back to the original series. Being something of a geeky young lad, I eagerly followed the adventures of Kirk, Spock and McCoy. I got older and my interest shifted to other things (uh… girls), but I would still visit the 23rd century from time-to-time. I watched The Next Generation periodically and enjoyed that, but I never really got into the other series. I have to say that I enjoyed most of the movies, even the ones that were not so well-regarded.
It was probably a couple years ago that a new big-screen Star Trek was announced as sort of a Batman Begins style reboot. There were many who felt that the Star Trek franchise had run its course and re-starting the series was exactly what the doctor ordered. The last TV series floundered and the last couple movies had died a quick death at the box-office.
Many hard-core Trek fans (Trekkies? Trekkers? Whatever) were unhappy with the choice of J.J. Abrams, an avowed non Star Trek fan, as director. I thought it was a brilliant move. There’s always a sense of fun and drama in whatever he has his hand in and I was confident the same would be true with his new Star Trek movie.
I was right.
The new Star Trek movie is everything a big summer Hollywood blockbuster should be… by turns funny, thrilling and at times even moving. Abrams had me from the very first scene in fact, a surprisingly emotional set-piece that puts the rest of the story into motion. It should really be seen in a theatre… the audience when I saw it was clapping, cheering and laughing at all the right parts, a communal experience that made it even more fun. You don’t need to be a Star Trek fan, or even a science-fiction fan to have a great time at this movie.
The leads are all well-cast. Chris Pine captures that James T. Kirk swagger and bravado (and lustiness) without resorting to a William Shatner impression. Zachary Quinto also impressed me. His portrayal of Spock manages to show that undercurrent of passion and humanity beneath that Vulcan logic. Karl Urban is an actor who I’ve always liked and he did justice to his role as well, as Dr. Leonard McCoy. I was especially impressed by the gorgeous Zoe Saldana as Uhura… she was strong, confident and all-business, but she had a sensitive side too.
The story is exciting, involving, fast-paced and effectively “resets” the Star Trek universe while paying homage to what has come before. The biggest surprise to me was, as I alluded to above, how emotional this movie was, an element that was sorely lacking from some of the last few incarnations of Star Trek.
Technically, Star Trek is top-notch in every way. The special effects and production design are first-rate. The musical score is especially well-done… sentimental at times and heroic when it needs to be.
I urge you to go see this new Star Trek film. You won’t be disappointed.