Thursday, April 3, 2008

Funny Stuff!!

I guess I've been neglecting my blog for awhile.
Sorry blog. And sorry loyal blog following.

Anyway, here some amusing links for y'all to peruse. The first couple are from a website called "twitter", which is a new web genre that could be called "microblogging". The stated purpose of the site is to answer the question, "what are you doing?". As in, "what are you doing RIGHT NOW?"
Fireland comes to us courtesy of Josh Allen, a guy from Denver, Colorado who may need to be medicated...

"Dooce" is a famed blogger from Salt Lake City named Heather Armstrong. Her twitter space and her blog are very much about her home life, her daughter, her husband and her dogs. But good gravy she is hilarious...

And speaking of Dooce, here is her blog. Always a hoot...

A freind and fellow blogger alerted me to this site...
I won't attempt to explain it. Just check it out.

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