Thursday, April 17, 2008

How to REALLY Screw Up Your Life

I'm just a regular guy.
I have three kids, a college degree and I wear a tie to work everyday. Somehow, though, I see how the drug use so rampant in American culture comes very close to impacting my life. Two people near and dear to me have family members that have drug problems. I have another freind that I have lost to the prison system for the same reason.
Guess what?
Whenever you smoke, shoot up or otherwise ingest some illegal substance, those you love might as well be by your side taking it too. Drug use is not just an individual's problem, it's a family problem, it's your freinds' problem and ultimately it's society's problem. Families are broken and freindships are destroyed because of drugs. Jobs are lost, children lose parents and addicts lose enormous chunks of their lives to the penal system or even death.
Yes, I'm bitter. Yes, I'm sad. And yes, I'm angry.
I don't know what the solution is...maybe there really isn't one. What I do know is that drugs fill up a person's life and cover up that hole in the heart or that lack of fulfillment. Fill your life with something else, something positive.
Love your kids.
Be creative.
Change your life.
Improve your realtionships.
I don't care. Just please, for the sake of your future and those that love you, stay away from drugs.

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