Friday, January 25, 2008

All about me, me, me!

Welcome, one and all, to my brand-spanking-new blog. My goal is to entertain, inform and inspire (sometimes maybe all at once, should the blog gods smile upon me).

As for me? I'm just a regular guy.
I'm 42. I have three awesome kids (more on them later). I work in the recruiting and staffing industry while trying to start a career as a freelance writer. I have some amazing freinds (more on them later).

You're probably wondering about the title of my blog. I'm picturing you at your PC, scratching your head and thinking, "yes Jim, I'm already feeling somewhat entertained, informed and inspired by your brand-spanking-new blog, but just what in the hell does '18 Kajillion' mean?"
My answer...18 Kajillion was actually a joking suggestion of a very good freind of mine. It's a reference to something I had said in an email earlier this week. In starting this blog, I tried out a good number of titles, but everything was taken.
So 18 Kajillion it is.

1 comment:

Leigh Annie said...

I feel honored I can now keep up with you on an online basis big brother.