Friday, February 8, 2008

My Little Sister

I should start out by clarifying that she is not technically my little sister. We are not related by blood or marriage, but we are family nevertheless. Though I call her my little sister, I am old enough to be her father (actually, I am about six months older than her father).
She has taught me the true meaning of freindship. She takes care of me when I'm wounded and makes me laugh when I need it. She believes in me unconditionally, even in those times when I don't believe in myself. She's honest with me, but not brutally so. She doesn't tell me what I want to hear but she usually manages to tell me what I need to hear.
She loves my kids almost as if they're her own, and they adore her right back. She loves her fiancee with all her heart and he loves her right back at least as much. Someday I hope to experience even the smallest percent of the love those two have...if I do, I will consider myself a very lucky man indeed.
She is wise beyond her years and strong beyond measure.
I wish everyone could have a pretend little sister like mine.

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